Homeowners know what having healthy windows, doors and roofing can do for the structure and comfort of a home. Foggy windows aren’t always a sign of trouble if condensation is on the outside of the windows.

This can indicate that your windows are energy efficient and working well. On the other hand, condensation that occurs between windowpanes or on the inside can be a sign that the seal on the windows may have failed.
Thermal Seals
Thermal seals, also known as thermopanes or insulated windows, create a vacuum of air between windowpanes. This vacuum is usually filled with inert gas, such as argon or krypton and is used to protect the home from the weather outside. If the seals that protect the edges of this type of window break, the gas escapes and air as well as moisture can get trapped between the windowpanes.

Another issue that can occur, is that the broken seal can create a draft. The function of these windows is to help keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer. A broken seal defeats the purpose of this on many levels and may even lead to increased energy bills.
If you can feel the cold from outside when standing next to your closed windows, it means you are overspending on heating. Likewise in the summer, you don’t want the heat getting in and your energy bills any higher than they need to be. This is an issue that comes from having single-pane glass. Dual-pane windows are better while triple-pane windows insulate the best and are therefore, by far the most energy efficient.
A bonus to increasing your energy efficiency with triple-pane glass and all the added thermal protection is that the insulated glass will also protect you from both receiving or emitting unwanted noise. This can be a bonus in many ways, from improving sleep quality to enhancing privacy but if the glass fogs up, it’s time to call a professional.
A professional can investigate and repair a broken thermal seal and may even be able to fix the issue without needing to replace the window.
Damaged Windows
Broken or chipped glass may also cause windows to fog, as air from outside leaks in and causes condensation. Water damage can be seen in the form of peeling paint, rotting wood or even mold can be a surefire sign that your windows won’t be sealed as well as they should be.

All kinds of issues can occur when windows are damaged, including leaks, drafts, and condensation.
If your windows are fogging, your thermal seals and windows should be checked by a professional. This way you can keep your windows attractive, your home comfortable and your energy bills reasonable.
What You Should Do
Unfortunately, repairing or replacing old windows can be a complicated task that’s best left to a professional. A simple inspection will tell you if it’s possible to repair your thermal windows or if replacement is required.
We recommend using a site that partners with trusted local professionals in your area. Home Improvement Expert’s Window Professional Search Tool is a great place to start. They’ll ask you a few questions and then connect you with window professionals in your area–it’s 100% free.